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Contact Lens Exam
The Christian Eye Clinic
Eyecare With a Vision For Life located in Urbandale, IA
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What to expect during a Contact Lenses eye exam:
Contact Lenses offer a fantastic way to see the world around you without glasses. It does not replace your glasses. Each has its own unique use. Having both, let you enjoy life like never before. If you want to wear Contact Lenses for the first time, Here is what to expect when you see the doctor
First, The Doctor must perform comprehensive Eye Exam
Doctor chooses the right Contact Lenses that best fit your eyes.
Doctor will let you try the contact and then evaluate both your Comfort and vision.
You will be trained on putting them in and taking them out; and how to take care of them.
You will be scheduled for a follow up visit a week later.
If there are any concerns or questions they will be addressed at that visit.
Once everything is OK, a Contact Lenses Prescription will be given to you.
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